Gute Gewohnheit zahlt sich aus

Titre traduit en anglais

Good habit pays off

Film: Durée en minutes

03.30 minutes

Description du produit

We see an empty seminar room. We are listening to sceptical quotes of employees ("I have no idea, what I am doing here!", "They should just let me do it on my own"!, "How much it all costs!" etc.). With cinematic effects, the appearing messages imitate the prejudices towards safety at work that are difficult to capture. At the same time, the blunt statements arouse one's interest as in the beginning, the spectators have no idea, what exactly they will get to see in the film. When asking the spectators questions, such as "Come on, be honest, does this sound familiar to you? Do you agree that safety at work is becoming excessive?", the speaker gives the impression to be on the spectators' side but in reality, he invites them to review their opinion. The film confronts the spectators with simple facts - figures, info graphics and icons that are easy to understand - and thus produces an 'aha' effect. The amount of fatal accidents at work covers Germany-wide numbers, including a specific industry (wood and metal), up to a concrete individual fate (symbol icon wheelchair). We keep forgetting in the daily routine that some people's world is falling apart and that sometimes they are not able to return to their former workplace. Yet it is accidents caused by slipping and tripping that can lead to long absences from work. With high costs for the persons concerned, the companies and the entire economy. Safety at work also means job security because safe companies are in many cases more productive. Therefore, safety at work secures the economic and personal future of all: unnoticed, the speaker moves on to say "We". Thus, he resolves the "the management at the top" against "those at the bottom" and makes clear that everyone is in the same boat. "Safety and health is our first concern".

Objectif et finalité

"Good habit pays off". (Occupational safety is a matter of good habit.)

Sometimes, safety at work fails because managers and employees have prejudices ("it doesn't work", "complicates processes", "is expensive", "wasn't needed in earlier times either" etc.). The film is considered to help overcoming prejudices and promote acceptance. In order to do so, in the beginning, the film consciously takes the perspective of the sceptics and invites them to form a new opinion on the basis of facts: 1) Not everything was better in the past (in the long run, accidents at work have dropped), 2) Safety at work pays off (prevents accidents, avoids often hidden extra costs for companies of up to 3.5% of the gross national product) , 3) Safety at work improves the productivity of companies, 4) Safety at work also secures job.

Public cible

Sensitisation of employees for the issue occupational safety in companies with a not highly developed safety culture.

Coordonnées de l'éditeur

est – Elvira Steppacher, Strategie Content Text, München
Hohenzollernplatz 8, Deutschland-80796 München

Coordonnées de la société de production

Datenwerk AG, Konstanz
Zollernstraße 4, Deutschland-78462 Konstanz